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We are starting a new sermon series December 3rd called "What stole Christmas?". The Christmas season is a time to reflect on the birth of Jesus and how God sent His son for us; however, sometimes there are circumstances in life that steals our focus. We will look at the different things that steal your attention away from where it should be. You can join us each week to worship at 9:00am or 10:30am, in person or online via Facebook LIVE. OCCKIDS and OCC Students are offered as well, plus we have the nursery. â€‹

Christmas Eve SERVICES - December 24th 2:00pm & 4:00pm

We will be hosting 2 family style candle light worship services on Sunday, December 24th.  To help balance the services in attendance the times are 2:00pm and 4:00pm. Nursery will be provided for families of children who need it. Since Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday, we will not be having our Sunday morning services. Just the 2:00pm and the 4:00pm. There is an online registration to help us know how many will be with us.


occ ladies Christmas event - December 2nd 10am-12pm

Register here for our annual OCC Ladies Christmas event.  We will enjoy a catered brunch, make Grinch Christmas ornaments, and enjoy lots of fun and fellowship! We are collecting a $5.00 optional donation per person. We are community partners with Indian Trail Middle School. They will use these gift cards to bless and appreciate their teachers and staff. You are welcomed to make a donation in person or pay it forward for another lady. 


occkids MERRY MARKETPLACE - December 9th 9am-10:45am

All kids look forward to this time of year for a number of reasons, but the biggest one is getting gifts! And who doesn't love gifts? Merry Marketplace is an event where kids can find joy in creating and giving gifts as they remember the story of Jesus' birth.

Merry Marketplace is designed for kids to hear the Christmas story while giving them the opportunity to create meaningful gifts for people they love.  The goal is for kids to be able to share the Christmas story with the people they choose to give their gifts to. Bring your family for this meaningful and incredibly fun Christmas event!


occkids MUSICAL - December 9th 11am & DECEMBER 10TH 6PM

Back to the Manger will be showing at 12:00pm Saturday morning after the Christmas Marketplace and again Sunday evening at 6:00pm. The kids have worked really hard and cannot wait to present to you the Christmas Story from a fresh new perspective. 

Sunday evening will be a dinner and show. The meal will be provided by the Women's Dominican Republic Mission's Team. There will be soup, salad, breadsticks, and a dessert. Donations will be collected to help benefit the 5 women who are traveling and sharing the Gospel in the Dominican from OCC. 

occ student ministry winter retreat - December 28, 29, 30

We are headed back to West Central Camp for our Winter Retreat! Our theme is Mountain to Valley! We will have worship, guest speakers, games, and lots of good food! 

This retreat is open to both Middle and High School students. There are limited spots for both the male and female dorm rooms, because we are collaborating with other churches and organizations, so please register as soon as you can. Cost is $65 per person = 6 meals, snacks, housing, retreat, and a t-shirt.  (If you are in need of a scholarship, please our Student Minister Jamie Halstead for more information.) 
Packing list will be sent once you register. Deadline to register is December 17th.

Do you have a Christmas question? 

We would love to answer those for you! Contact us today! 

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